The First Fitness Machine to Provide PERFECT Alignment
Finally a tool to help you achieve amazing benefits by focusing on FORM FIRST!
Your Price: $299
— limited time only —
Your New Year’s Resolution
SquatMaster’s Residential Model can help you achieve your weight loss goals!
NOW $299

What Makes the Squat Master, the Master?
Burn 2X as many calories in just 10 min!

Don’t Wait To Receive These Amazing Benefits
Lightweight & Collapsible
Shaping & Toning the Booty
Aids With Yoga Poses
Complete-Body Workout
Burns Twice the Calories as Running
Made with Love

try the newly redesigned
Residential Model: Black
The newest most advanced Squat Master model yet with a reinforced oak-wood base and titanium alloy steel body.
Learn Some New Squat Moves!
We’ll give you step by step instructions.